By Jason Keels
In the past, presently and certainly in the future, written words have had a power that remains exclusive to this form of communication. They've had the ability to influence the entire philosophical mindset of the world so that the actions of whole populations were guided by parameters spelled out by words etched on pages. Thought processes were changed by Marx's Das Kapital and Communist Manifesto which shifted the mode of operation for governments forever. Even in nations like the United States or Britain that had never been officially declared Communist or Socialist, laws now accepted as standard were legislated to accommodate and in a sense pacify the potentially revolutionary ideas that were permanently ingrained in the minds of the masses. Labor unions, the concept of a minimum wage, and safety regulations at the workplace are just a few of the institutions existing today that have their root in Marxist teachings. Darwin's Origin of the Species is not just the major contributor for the scientific community to ignore science itself to preach the theory evolution which in turn brainwashed and is still brainwashing millions upon millions of school children so that they reject the creative power of God so consequentially God Himself, but the idea of natural selection played a key role in the justification of bigotry and German conquest.
The Aryanism that Hitler propagated came out of Darwinism as well as the belief that Germany was like an organism needing room to grow so therefore expansion was necessary for survival. Civilians of Poland in 1939 who never heard of Origin of the Species had it to thank for the bombs dropping on their homes. Countless other works have molded the world into the shape it's in currently and we walk among the fruits of their tenets daily. It's not merely philosophers, professors and social scientists of bygone centuries whose writings sway today's world events but regular city newspapers and nationally circuited magazines flex their muscles in controlling public opinion. A few unflattering lines in a newspaper concerning a politician can destroy a career whether or not they be accurate or terminate the campaign of a presidential hopeful. The clout of a simple article backed by dubious research was expressed for all to see when the accusation of a Qu'ran being flushed down a toilet at an American detention center hit the press setting off massive protests in various Islamic nations.
Dictators throughout time have grasped the notion of how flammable printed words can be and combated this by having book burnings, jailing authors who wrote things contrary to the ideology of the ruling party and infusing the country with state sponsored propaganda, all for the preservation of the regime. It's not surprising that literature and journalism are such powerful tools when God chose the Bible, an accumulation of writings, to communicate His character and will for mankind. He could've chosen to flash huge signs across the sky as His primary way of speaking to us, but He picked text and that can't be overlooked or underestimated.
We tend to toss around the term "author" regularly but it is highly probable that many times the true meaning, which happens to be the Biblical meaning, isn't thoroughly thought upon. In the book of Hebrews, the word that was translated as "author" comes actually from two separate Greek words. The first is aitios which means "causer" and the other is archegos which means "captain" or "prince." To be the author of something you are in a position of authority and causing an action to occur. Then the question of what action is taking place arises. To answer that it must be understood that all creation begins as a thought. For example, a man pictures a house in his head, builds it and now everyone can see the physical fruit of his intangible thought. No one could bring forth the precise representation of what resided in his head without him, so the supreme authority on the building of the house is him. He caused the house to happen so in a sense he's the author of it. When a human wants to author a piece of writing, the content of it exists first only in their mind. It can't be seen, touched, heard or smelled by anyone. When those thoughts are expressed in the shape of words and read by others, one person's intellectual concepts, ideas, views and beliefs are passed to another. The transfer of the cognitive activity in one individual's mind to manifest in someone else's is the cause that takes place in authorship. God is an author, being the creator and king of everything. Romans 1:20 tells us that the invisible things of God, which means His personality, thought processes and feelings can be seen in His creations. Now you must have wisdom, knowledge, understanding and an intimate relationship with Him to interpret them correctly, but they're there to see. The same is true of the Bible. The writings inside of it are a direct excerpt from the mind of God, showing His personality, thought processes and feelings giving access to those who have the correct relationship with Him. In short, reading is the way in which thoughts transfer without having sight and hearing filter and distort the interpretation or meaning. No wonder God chose this vehicle as a premier method of getting to know Him.
Today the world is overwhelmed with books, magazines, essays and other written work authored by unbelievers that infiltrates countless minds with the thought processes of the enemy. There are only two kingdoms. What is needed to combat this are Christian writers, journalists and poets with the aim of advancing the Kingdom to put out bodies of work for the general population to read so they can get a dose of the truth. The world has manufactured their own brand of wellness, healing, peace, wholeness, spirituality and put it to print for the masses to eat up. Worse yet, they've defined what a Christian is and even our God. Many times the average unbeliever that you'd meet in the grocery store has alarming misconceptions of God and Christianity because most of the time their information is obtained by lukewarm vessels within the church or media sources completely outside of it. There must be an alternative to having solely the enemy's philosophies and viewpoints filling the bookstores, libraries and newsstands. This doesn't necessarily mean beating people over the head with the name of Jesus in a poem but it equates the expressing the mind of God. When it is read, then concepts conveyed must war with those already in place inside a mind that hasn't been renewed. The laws and nature of the Kingdom along with that of its sovereign can be articulated in any piece of writing without jingoistic prose that can often be a repellant. Christian authors by no means should hide their light under a bushel but confining Kingdom writers to producing multi-paged sermons will result in only Christians reading it and consequentially a limited push in the marketplace. That's why it's imperative for us master multiple genres so we can communicate to various segments of society in a language they're familiar with. C.S. Lewis was a genius at this, having the ability to put together The Chronicles of Narnia and also author the vastly dissimilar Mere Christianity. The naysayer and pessimist might suggest that C.S. Lewis was from another time and that studies show the popularity of reading declines steadily each year. The fact is that reading can penetrate the brain on a different level than television so as long as that's true Christians must write. Along with that, those who claim no one cares for books become confounded when Harry Potter sweeps around the world like a firestorm and with each new volume, young and old are desensitized to blatant witchcraft. The kingdom of darkness isn't done with literature so God's children shouldn't be either.
In order to effectively author the message of the Kingdom, you can't write out of your own ability and strength. That's only promoting yourself, not genius nor competent infiltration of the marketplace. Our genius comes from God so without Him our writing will merely be another book on the shelf and truly advantageous for no one. Prayer time and genuine Bible study are necessary to grow closer to the Father so when writing ideas come to mind they're saturated with Kingdom principles because you've spent so much time with Him and can't write anything else. The world doesn't need more human generated opinions and viewpoints. They need God so we must have a close enough relationship with Him to write what He requires. With the sovereign creator of the universe orchestrating the movement of our pen, the Kingdom will be advanced every time we put it to a page.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Keels | |
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