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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bake Bread at Home - Naan - A Simple Introduction - Remember to Read All the Words!

By John C Shelton

First your should take a deep breath, get out Kitchen Aid and attach dough hook, and think about how good your bread will be. Then measure out:

  • 3 T Ghee or room temperature butter
  • 1 Cup finely chopped or grated onion (I'll probably make it without the onion so that my mother can/will eat some bread) 1/2 Cup Warm water
  • 1t salt 1 and
  • 1/2 to 2 Cups bread flour

Place your 12 inch skillet over high heat to cook on medium high heat. In the skillet, melt 1T butter or ghee, then add onions, reduce heat to low and cook 5 minutes or until onions are soft and brown.

Remove to bowl and cool to room temperature. Melt the rest of the butter and add to mixing bowl. Add the water onion salt and 1 and ½ cups flour to bowl. Work the mixed ingredients until a ball forms on the hook. If its still sticky add flour until it feels good. Turn the dough out onto your floured work surface and knead by hand for a couple of minutes until the dough is slightly firm. Divide the dough into eight pieces, form them into balls, and let them rest for 5 minutes.

Dough likes to rest. Pay attention. The dough will look different when you return. Roll out each ball into an 8 inch round. If the dough keeps springing back, move on to another ball and let the recalcitrant ball rest some more. Once the ball relaxes, it will form a round and stay there for you.

After you have rolled out your flat round breads, heat skillet on high heat. When a drop of water instantly turns to steam, you are ready to go. Put a round in the pan. Cook 3 to 4 minutes per side. Put cooked Naan on a cooling rack or it will get soggy. After you cook them, serve with your Indian food and eat it! People will be impressed. They'll ask you if you've lost weight? Did you get a haircut? Just start to bake and remember to read all the words in the recipe!

John C. Shelton is a recovering attorney, husband, father of two, and newbie blogger. After 15 years in the wilderness (lawyers, on whole are a cranky lot) he is looking for health, happiness, and satisfaction. He started baking his own bread and gardening somewhat late in life.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_C_Shelton

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tips on Pigeon Control

By Asaf Reich

Pigeons are found in every corner of the world. Considering the amount of nuisance they create, it is very important to control them. This can be done by adopting an effective pigeon control measure.

Need for control on pigeons:

The most common problem involving pigeons is that their droppings contain a high amount of uric acid that causes discoloration of paints and erosion of metals. In rural areas, pigeons create lot of problems for farmers. Therefore, it is very important to have a proper pigeon control strategy.

Tips on pigeon & bird control:

The most preferred pigeon control methods are exclusion, deterrence, crop management and population or infest reduction. Numerous ways exist by which people can stop the nuisance of pigeons. These include:

1. Natural pigeon control: You can prevent pigeons from encroaching areas such as terrace and courtyard by using 'block-off nesting' and netting techniques. You may also make use of several strong spices such as pepper, garlic and cayenne, which act as deterrents for pigeons and reduce their infestation in the gardens. Natural pigeon control methods do not harm them physically.

2. Pigeon spikes: Pigeon spikes are a common product used in bird control method. They prevent pigeons from nesting on the roof, ledge or any other habitation area. 'Defender 4T pigeon spikes' are the most effective and economical spikes available for pigeon & bird control.

3. Bird spikes: 'Defender 4T', a kind of bird spike, is a very effective pigeon control tool.

4. Pigeon deterrents: They offer effective and safe protection from property damage caused by nesting pigeons.

5. Bird repellents: This bird repellent has 13-inch long plastic base along with multiple stainless steel wires that protrude upwards in 4 different angles. They can be used as physical barriers to prevent pigeon encroachment.

6. Pigeon wires: You can also prefer installing pigeon wires on your terrace or courtyard. Pigeon wires are not only affordable, but also very effective pigeon control tools.

7. Anti-roosting bird spikes: These kinds of spikes, when glued on to windows and other areas where pigeons flourish, work effectively. Its protruding pins do not hurt pigeons but compel them to find other roosting places.

Pigeon droppings also contain many pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. These pathogens are responsible for transmitting pigeon diseases such as Coccidiosis, Collibacillosis, Pigeon pox, Paratyphoid and Paramyxovirus. Therefore, it will be beneficial for you to adopt any of the above-mentioned pigeon control methods.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bermuda Triangle Facts - or Fiction?

By Brian Schmidt

One of the few Bermuda Triangle Facts that can be confirmed is the Bermuda Triangle location. In fact, the location of the Bermuda Triangle is somewhat arbitrary as well. There are no official boundaries. However, the triangle is generally assumed to run from Bermuda to Puerto Rico to Miami and back to Bermuda.

A fact that is unexplained about the Bermuda Triangle is that electro-magnetic compasses that normally point to the magnetic north pole, point to the true north pole when used inside the area of the Bermuda Triangle. This phenomena happens in only one place other than the Bermuda Triangle – the Devil’s Sea off the east coast of Asia.

The term Bermuda Triangle was in fact first used in an Argosy Magazine article written by Vincent H. Gaddis in 1964. Since that time, a number of “nicknames” have immerged for the Bermuda Triangle – Limbo of the Lost, Hoodoo Sea, and even Devil’s Triangle – some coined in literature.

One fact is undeniable about the Bermuda Triangle. There have been a number of strange and sometimes unexplained disappearances in the Triangle. The tale of Flight 19 – a group of five Navy torpedo bombers and one search plane disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area (perhaps!) – is the most notorious of these.

However, there have been strange occurrences observed in the area of the Bermuda Triangle as well. Even as far back as the 1492 crossing of the Atlantic by Christopher Columbus, these have been recorded. Columbus documented in his logs of strange occurrences with his compass in the area that we now consider the Bermuda Triangle.

Another fact about the Bermuda Triangle that is undeniable is that the area has claimed over 1,000 lives in the past 100 years. Some of these are a result of “human error” in navigating the area. However there are always suspicious or unexplained disappearances happening in the Bermuda Triangle.

There is a vast array of lore surrounding the existence of the Bermuda Triangle. Some of this stems from the idea that with-in the Bermuda Triangle lies the lost city of Atlantis in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Off the coast of Bimini, there is a set of underwater steps believed to be part of that civilization. Little exploration can be done because the Bermuda Triangle includes some of the deepest trenches in the Atlantic Ocean – much too deep to explore.

Today, thousands of passages are made through the Bermuda Triangle every year. Virtually every Caribbean cruise originating from the east coast of North America passes through part of the Bermuda Triangle. Modern planes fly to the Caribbean hotspots and from southern United States to Europe through the Bermuda Triangle. Perhaps the next time you travel through the Bermuda Triangle by air or sea you will think of the lost civilization of Atlantis and her mighty power?

Brian A Schmidt is the author and web publisher of a1-discount-cruises.com your #1 source for cruise information, discounts and great deals! Visit http://www.a1-discount-cruises.com to book your fabulous cruise vacation! For more interesting articles visit our Article Map pages. If you have questions regarding choosing a cruise line contact us at info@a1-discount-cruises.com using the subject line "Questions".

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Schmidt

Date - A Wonder Fruit of Arabia

By Yasmin M Elias

Dates are the fruits of the date palm tree which is a food of high nutritional value. They are used abundantly in the month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The sweetness of the date takes the edge off hunger and this is another reason why fasts are opened with dates. This prevents a person from overeating after he has opened his fast.

Dates contain calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium, volatile oils, Vitamin-B6, folic acid, Potassium, Iron and Magnesium, proteins, sugars, vitamins and are rich in natural fibers which contribute to a healthy body and mind.

Dates provides natural sugar in the form of glucose and fructose which is ready for immediate absorption and, is infinitely far superior to cane-sugar.

Eating dates has great benefits which can be illustrated as follows:

Prevents Cancer: Dates are very nutritious and contain natural fibres. Modern medicine has shown that they are effective in preventing abdominal cancer. In general Bedouin Arabs, who eat them on a regular basis, show an extremely low incidence rate of cancer.

Weak heart: Dates are an excellent remedy for weak heart. Dates soaked overnight should be taken twice a week which strengthens the heart.
Bedouin Arabs who regularly consume dates have shown an extremely low rate of heart disease.

Treatment for Obesity: The wide variety of nutritious elements in dates makes it hunger-resistive! So treatment by eating few dates when feeling hungry helps reduce hunger and be filled. These dates will provide the body with the necessary sugar and stimulate the intestine which reduce hunger greatly, and eventually, reduce food consumption.

Eases child-birth: Eating dates eases the pain of childbirth. Scientifically they are known to contain hormones which strengthen the uterus, help produce milk for nursing mothers and also prevent blood loss after childbirth. (The ripe fruit contains a substance that urges uterine spasms and increases contractions especially in the time of delivery. This substance resembles 'oxytocin' that is secreted by pituitary gland, which encourages contractions of the uterus. Dates contain some stimulants which strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. This helps the dilation of the uterus at the time of delivery and reduces post-natal bleeding).

Ideal for breast-feeding mothers: Dieticians consider dates the best food for breast-feeding mothers. This is because dates contain elements that assist in alleviating depression and enrich the breast milk with the nutrients needed to make the child healthy and resistant to disease.

Bones: Calcium is important for strong bones so this is an additional benefit that dates provide. As dates are rich in calcium, they contribute to healthy bones. For this reason it is recommended that children and older adults, especially women, eat plenty of dates to strengthen their bones.

Modern science has also proved the effectiveness of dates, in preventing diseases of the respiratory system.

Intestinal Disturbances: Eating dates in the morning on an empty stomach kills intestinal worms and other parasites, for dates have an antidotal potency which restrains their growth. According to Metchnikoff, a great Russian scientist, liberal use of dates keeps in check the growth of pathological organisms and helps to establish a colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines.

Improves Eye sight: Dates are also important in maintaining good vision and are effective in guarding against night-blindness.

Cures constipation: Dates are also highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by it stimulates sluggish bowels. They should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect.

Remedy for Sexual Debility: Date syrup can be used as a treatment for weak heart. It can also be use for the treatment of sexual weakness. When it's mixed with milk and honey, dates can be used as a tonic for the treatment of sexual disturbances for both sexes. And such syrup strengthens the body and raises its energy levels. The elderly would benefit from this syrup too. It improves their stamina and purges their bodies from the toxins that have accumulated in their cells along the years.

Remedy for Liver and Inflammations: Dates remedy Lever and purge it from toxins, Breaking the fast with dates, is one of the most magnificent of natural remedies for the maintenance and purging the Lever from accumulated toxins. And also drinking dates juice could be used in the treatment of sore throat, various types of fever, rhinorrhia and common cold.

Remedy for Intoxication: Dates are an excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication. In such a case, drinking water in which fresh dates have been rubbed or soaked will bring quick relief

Children's Disease: Dates tied to a wrist of the baby and allowed to be sucked during teething period hardens the gums and also prevents other complaints like restlessness and diarrhea.

In short sentence, one date satisfies the minimum requirements of a balanced and healthy diet - so cultivating a healthy habit of eating dates miraculously preserves our health and attains longevity.

Healthy Nutrition and Healthy Diets - Tips and Guidelines to Healthy Eating


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yasmin_M_Elias

All About Caffeine

By Damian Papworth

What is it that prompts our need for that morning cup of Joe? Why is it that we cannot drag ourselves into consciousness without first taking a sip of a triple shot nonfat latte? It is the caffeine, of course. Caffeine is a natural stimulant. In fact, caffeine is actually considered the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world.

More than 80% of the entire world population consumes caffeine, whether it be in coffee, tea, sodas, or candies, each and every day. Around 90% of all Americans consume the stuff on a daily basis. More than half of them consume more than 300 milligrams each day. That is a lot of caffeine.

So just what is caffeine and why do we all crave it so much? Caffeine is the lay-man's term for chemical compound 1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine. In its pure, unadulterated form, caffeine is a white crystalline xanthine alkaloid with a bitter taste.

Caffeine was first discovered back in 1819 by a German chemist called Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, who called it kaffein due to the fact that it was found in coffee or kaffee in German.

Caffeine is naturally occurring and can be found in a variety of plants; it actually acts a pesticide, keeping insects at bay.

Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant and a diuretic, meaning it makes one feel awake and less drowsy and it also increases the production of urine. It is processed by the body within 30-45 minutes of ingestion; the effect wears off in about three hours depending on the amount consumed.

There are varying opinions as to the effects and benefits of caffeine. High caffeine consumption which is considered to be more than 6,000 mg/day (most Americans consume about 280 mg/day, while about 20-30% consume more than 600 mg) is considered to be adverse to one's health. It can lead to sleeping problems and it is addictive.

People tend to build tolerances to caffeine, much like other drugs. This means they need to ingest more caffeine to feel the effect. Caffeine tolerance is known to develop quite rapidly. Those who consume large amounts of caffeine may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, stomach pain and irritability when they have not had any caffeine.

Moderate consumption of caffeine seems to increase one's capacity for physical and mental labor. It can actually enhance athletic performance and endurance. Caffeine works by stimulating your neurons.

Your typical drip-brewed coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine. A cup of black tea (8 oz) contains 50 mg of caffeine. Sodas such as Coke and Pepsi contain 40-50 mg per 12 ounce can, while chocolate contains 6 mg per ounce.

Caffeine is not recommended in large quantities for pregnant women. Although the findings are as yet inconclusive, there is some evidence to suggest that caffeine may affect the formation of the fetus or possibly increase the risk of miscarriage. It may also affect fertility. That being said, there is no direct link connecting caffeine to miscarriage.

Some religious followers do not consume caffeine - Christian Scientists, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, among others.

Damian Papworth loves his morning coffee so much he created the One Cup Coffee Makers website. You can find it at http://onecupcoffeemakersshop.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damian_Papworth

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oil Of Black Seed - Liquid Gold From The 'Seed Of Blessing'

By Geoff Lyth

Black seed is a cold pressed vegetable oil derived from the seeds of the bushy, flowering plant Nigella sativa. The plant is known by a wide range of pseudonyms including fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, onion seed, and in the USA it is known as charnushka, which is derived from Russian.

And just to really keep you on your toes, both the seeds of the plant and the derived oil are sometimes referred to as black cumin or black caraway! This illustrates the problems you can encounter when using the common names of plants or oils instead of the correct botanical or scientific name.

Black seed is an annual plant with stiff, thin branching stems, lacy grey-green leaves and attractive terminal whitish or blue flowers. The flowers are followed by a fruit capsule, which when mature opens to reveal small, triangular seeds that turn black upon exposure to the air.

These seeds have very little odor, but when ground or chewed they produce a spicy aromatic, oregano-like fragrance or flavor, hence its popular use as a spice throughout history. The plant may have either an upright or sprawling habit that can reach a height of 30-60 centimeters (12-24 inches).

Originally native to Syria, Nigella sativa is cultivated today in many Mediterranean countries as well as in North Africa, Asia Minor, India and the Near East for its tasty seeds which are commonly used in cooking. The beautiful, rich golden colored oil is extracted by cold-pressing the seeds.

Blessed seed

This herb has an astonishing history, having been used for over 3,000 years for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The holy prophet Muhammed famously stated in his Hadith (teachings) 'Hold on to the use of the black seed for it has a remedy for every illness except death.' Quite a recommendation, don't you think?

Nigella seeds were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and black seed oil (amongst other botanicals) was reported to have been used by Cleopatra to retain her beauty.

Dioscorides, a Greek physician of the 1st century, recorded that black seeds were taken to treat intestinal worms, digestive disorders, headaches, nasal congestion and toothache. Avicenna (Ibn Sina), who wrote the great medical treatise 'The Canon of Medicine' referred to it as 'the seed that stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue'.

In Middle Eastern countries black seed was so revered it was given the Arabic approbation 'habbat ul barakah', which means 'the seed of blessing' or 'the blessed seed', due to its amazing wealth of health-giving benefits.

Aromatherapy uses

In aromatherapy, black seed proves to be an extremely versatile oil that can be used in a multitude of ways to improve the condition of the skin and hair, as well as being put to use as a carrier oil in the traditional way for massaging. It is a rich oil, yet has a light, silky texture which feels wonderfully luxurious on the skin and is quickly absorbed when used on the face. Despite its deep moisturising qualities, it does not leave the skin feeling greasy at all.

As you may already know, the vegetable oils used in aromatherapy do not usually have much of a perceptible odor, but along with unrefined avocado and wheatgerm, black seed is an exception. It has a slightly medicinal and spicy fragrance that is noticeable, but certainly not unpleasant, - and its wealth of benefits more than makes up for this. Of course, once any essential oils are added to black seed its unique fragrance is instantly masked.

Black seed oil is particularly rich in unsaturated and essential fatty acids which makes it perfect as a skin food; it nourishes, soothes and softens dry skin and improves eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and acne type conditions. This oil makes the perfect overnight facial treatment, and when used regularly it greatly improves the general condition of the skin, enhancing its texture and softness. Some research suggests it may have a wrinkle-softening effect, now wouldn't that be a nice bonus!

Perfect for aches and pains

Because of its unique and wide-ranging properties, black seed is the perfect carrier for treating muscular aches and pains, arthritis, rheumatism, strains and sprains - even without any essential oils. Naturally, adding essential oils will greatly improve the efficacy of this method of treatment; black pepper, chamomile Roman and German, clove bud, eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, juniper berry and marjoram sweet are all highly effective essential oils you can utilize.

For a full body massage you may find black seed slightly too rich, so mix it with a lighter oil such as almond or peach kernel, much the same way as is done with other heavier oils such as rosehip, calendula or St Johns Wort.

As more practitioners of aromatherapy become aware of its many benefits, I feel sure it is destined to become more popular. Along with aloe vera, Nigella sativa is a giant amongst healing herbs, and its use throughout history plus the vast amount of research conducted into it surely supports its reputation.

Keep your eye on this oil; I believe it is destined to become much more popular in the future for both aromatherapy and general skin care.

Learn more about the fascinating healing art of aromatherapy at http://www.aromatherapylifestyle.com or buy therapeutically effective essential oils and aromatherapy products made by qualified aromatherapists with 23 years experience athttp://www.quinessence.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geoff_Lyth

Chocolate Can Be Good For Your Health

By Jimmy Law

Not many people realize that chocolate can be really good for your health. It is always under the classification of junk food that will only bring negative effects to your body.

This is because many people consume it in a large amount and have no idea of how much chocolate they consume everyday can cause weigh gain due to the sugar in it.

So, to eat chocolate in a healthy way, do not go for cheap chocolates that you can get in the stores. High quality chocolate should be your choice. High quality chocolate can be good for your health as it has not been refined that much. This keeps the ingredients in the chocolate that makes it healthy, especially antioxidants.

Therefore, it is advised to go for dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate. As milk chocolates are sort of watered down, its healthy ingredients are much lesser than dark chocolates.

Dark chocolate is better in helping you to lower your blood pressure, and in the meantime, functions as snacks rather than taking pills and medicine that could be nightmare for certain people. The benefits of eating dark chocolates are not only that.

Dark chocolate can be good for your health if you are having high cholesterol. It is proven that having the right proportion of chocolate each day can lower your cholesterol by ten points.

Lastly, you do not have to worry about being fat anymore while having your favorite chocolate. All you need to keep in mind is never over consume it. All things will have negative effect if you go over the border line.

Jimmy Law is a regular writer for chocolate related topics. He is also a writer for jansport rolling backpack andbraun clean and renew.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmy_Law

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Student Time Management

By Frank Norton

Every student has been faced with the situation of too much to do and not enough time at least at some point in their career. If you are a student in high school or college and you find yourself feeling stressed out often or tired and run down, you could have a problem with time management.

If you feel all the pressure from the many tasks at hand and like you just don't have the time to get to all of your priorities, it could be time for some student time management counseling.

Your days as a student can be some of the busiest days of your life. There are many things to do and many responsibilities to maintain so learning to manage your time can help relieve stress and help you feel more successful in your efforts. It's also important to learn student time management because you can take these lessons with you for the rest of your life in the career you choose, with your family and much more.

For students, time management is affected by different things such as classes, extracurricular activities, community, socialization and more. You may feel like you always have to be somewhere and there's hardly time to sleep. This is when you really need to evaluate your priorities.

Take a look at your present student life. To learn to manage your time, try to write down a typical day or a typical week for you. Now look at all the things you do each day and how much time is spent doing each thing. Are there any things that can be cut out or that aren't really necessary? Can you find places in your day where you are wasting time or tasks that can be consolidated?

If you're being pulled in too many directions at once, you'll end up achieving nothing. Try these tips for student time management:

• Allot some time to each subject to be sure your studies and homework are covered
• Keep a schedule so you always know where you are going and what you are doing- don' t try to "wing it"
• Learn to be adaptable, you will need it in this hectic student schedule
• Make use of any waiting time for studying or reading

Be adaptable enough to stick to your schedule even if one thing changes or a class or meeting is cancelled. Don't let one small change throw off your whole schedule.

Discover The Entrepreneur's Secret Weapon To Maximizing Productivity While Actually Working Less Every Day!http://www.time-management-tactics.com

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Five Steps to Improve Your Mood

By Antanina Kapchonava

Fall, the season of depression, is coming up. More and more people run out of energy and positive emotions, more and more visits are paid to honorable psychologists. Nevertheless, there are a few methods that can help you fight depression without any antidepressants and doctor appointments.

The simplest trick you might want to resort to is turning on energetic music first thing in the morning. It will lower your stress level and will fill you with energy. Waking up to your favorite music station is a great substitution for your alarm clock, once you make sure the radio is programmed for a certain time and you will not oversleep. It's far less nerve-racking to start your day listening to a nice song and, who knows, it might even make you want to exercise a little bit, which, in fact, is a great mood booster.

It is rather clear that morning exercise may be the last thing you are willing to do. But if you persuade yourself to do it just a couple of times, you will definitely notice how easier it is to fulfill your daily tasks and perform greatly at work. Once it becomes a part of your routine, you will not only energize your body every morning, but will also end up looking great, and is it not what we all want - to see a toned and good-looking reflection in our mirrors?

Next clever trick you should think of is enjoying your breakfast. Many people rush in the morning when getting ready for work. Some even skip this important part of daily routine, which is far from being good for their mental and physical wellness. Stop right now! if you get up fifteen minutes earlier to enjoy your cup of coffee and whatever you like to eat for breakfast, your stress level will be significantly lower. So go ahead and indulge. And make sure your breakfast is delicious and healthy.

Being spontaneous is another way to improve your mood. Have you ever left home at a certain time over and over again, gone to the same subway station, sat at the same seat on the train... If yes, it is time for a change. Taking a different means of transportation or walking to a different station will give you the feeling of newness, you will see so many things that you haven't noticed before. The escape from monotony will help you feel new emotions. Which is exactly what you need to stay in good spirits.

Another step to being happy is calling a family member or a close friend on your way to work. We often don't have enough time to do that, especially in the morning. But getting in touch with our family or friends from time to time may help us feel better. It enables us to share our emotions and stay tuned to their news, which creates a strong social bond and makes you feel important and unforgotten.

Easy as it may seem, it is rather hard to stick to the above rules. But once you make an effort, you will notice that the clouds in the sky are not so grey anymore and that the sun is shining brighter than usual.

Antanina Kapchonava

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Mood

By Laura Interval

Do you ever wake up feeling grumpy? After a good night's sleep you open your eyes and instead of the usual "let's get out of bed and see what the day brings" attitude, a little voice inside your head says, "pull the covers back up, cranky and let's go back to sleep."

What do you do when you're feeling that way?

You're sitting at your desk minding your own business and all of a sudden that voice starts saying things like, "I don't feel like working anymore" ... or "this job sucks".

Do you give into that voice and let it control your actions? Or do you call it out for what it is ... A BAD MOOD ... and change it?

We all have them. A bad mood can crash in on you after something goes wrong or it sneak up on you for no obvious reason. Maybe something you ate for lunch didn't agree with your stomach or maybe the light in the room is a little too bright ... you may not even know what causes that little sinister voice to pipe up. The important thing is that you know that you have the power to change it.

You don't have to carry that mood around with you.

The definition of mood: A state of mind or emotion.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says that once you realize the mood is coming from your mind, you can alter it. He says that when you're in a bad mood, if you repeat positive thoughts like "I want to feel good" ... you will begin to believe them and your mood will lift. It's your choice. Change your thoughts ... change your mood.

I know that may seem simplistic to you. Especially if you're in a bad mood as you read this. There's nothing worse than someone telling you that your lingering bad mood is your fault. But ... well ... it is. **

The key to change is having the awareness to identify the mood as negative and knowing what works for you to get yourself out of it. It's different for everyone, of course. What works for some may make your mood even worse. It's trial and error. The point is to try.

Ways to change your thoughts from bad to good:


Give thanks for what's good in your life. Turn your attention to what's positive around you. It can be hard to identify anything good when you're feeling stuck and frustrated, but this is the time you need to do this most. Will yourself to step outside of your emotions and take a look at your life. Get out a piece of paper and jot down a list. By remembering what you love in your life and acknowledging what is positive, your spirits will lift.

Physical motion

Move your body! Anthony Robbins says motion causes emotion. The way we physically hold ourselves is connected to our emotional life. When you are sad, you hang your head, slump your shoulders and move slowly. When you're happy, you stand up straight and move quickly and are energized, right? So, fake it if you have to. Put energy into your limbs. Change how you are holding your body. Can't get to a gym? Can't jog around your block? It doesn't matter, no excuses. You can jump up and down in your bedroom for five minutes. Stretch. Touch your toes fifty times. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you change your posture and get your blood pumping. Assume the position of a happy body and your emotions will follow.

Don't think about anything but what you are doing

Be present in your actions by paying attention to what you're doing. Get your mind off of auto pilot.
Your thoughts can't remain stuck in emotion if you are directing your mind to pay attention to the task at hand. No matter what it is, no matter how you're feeling about it ... put everything you've got into doing it. If you're watering the plants, really water the plants. If you're watching TV, really watch it. Command yourself to pay attention to detail. Be the best TV watcher you can be. Your bad mood will lift as your mind becomes interested in what you're doing.

Smile therapy

Mother Teresa believed "peace begins with a smile." Well, it's not so easy to smile through a bad mood. French physiologist Dr. Israel Waynbaum says try anyway. His research suggests that the facial muscles used in a smile trigger specific healing hormones such as ecstatic endorphins and immune boosting killer T-cells. Smile therapy actually lowers the stress hormones cortisol and adrenalin and produces happy hormones that relax muscles and actually stabilize blood pressure and moods. So, smiling will actually make you feel better physically. He also found that the more we smile, the more we want to smile. Not feeling a smile coming on? Fake it. Your brain doesn't know the difference. Apparently, even a fake smile tricks the brain into releasing the hormones. And before you know it, you won't need to fake it.

Plan your near future

Give yourself something to look forward to. Call a friend and make a lunch date, buy tickets to a ball game, make plans for Friday night. This acknowledges the passing nature of this mood and that you know you will soon be engaged in an activity that you enjoy. It makes the light at the end of the tunnel real and bright.

Check off your to-do list

Take an action towards one of your goals. Sign up for that cooking class, call the realtor and go see the store space you've been eyeing. By taking action, you'll feel productive. Just begin it and you will more than likely be caught up in a forward momentum of energy, leaving that bad mood behind.

Being in a bad mood isn't necessarily a bad thing.

In the past, I would have put a lot of emphasis on the word "bad". A bad mood meant something was really wrong. It meant a bad day and that bad things were sure to come. And then, I would feel bad for being in a bad mood ... and the big bad black cloud, dark skies, no way out voice would spin me into a negative funk.

But, today I acknowledge that it's just a mood. I say, "oh look, my big bad wolf has decided to come out and say 'hey' today". It doesn't feel great but, it's not a big deal because I know how to better handle it now. It doesn't mean anything other than I need to take action to get myself through it.

Next time you're in a bad mood, do what you need to do to change it. Take the action that changes your thoughts and makes you feel better. You will most likely find yourself in a positive state of mind with a whole new sense of motivation. And suddenly that bad mood even did you some good.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare

**Please note that I am talking about a typical shorter term bad mood. If your bad mood persists for more than two weeks, I encourage you to seek professional help. Depression is different than a bad mood and may be due to conditions beyond your control.

Laura Interval believes we all have the power to create the lives we want. Not living everyday to the fullest? Wish you were doing something else with your time?
Check out her website: http://www.creative-personal-development.com/index.html
for more free articles and tips on how to start.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Honey and Cinnamon Therapy

By Nitthyanathan Saravanan

You have probably used honey in your daily diet and cinnamon in many recipes. Do you know that cinnamon and honey combined have its own properties to cure most diseases? Heart disease, arthritis, bladder infections, colds, immune system disorder, influenza, skin infections are among the list of diseases that are treatable by cinnamon and honey mixture.

Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a very effective medicine or all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases. It has the properties to concentrate or bring out the essence or the ability of any substance that being mixed together. Though honey is sweet, science had proved that if taken in the right dosage, it would turn out to be a medicine.

Replace your daily fruit jam or butter spread on your morning bread with honey and cinnamon paste. This will reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood thus saves you from potential heart attack. The honey and cinnamon paste relieves the loss of breath and strengthens heart beat.

Even a chronic Arthritis can be totally cured! A person with arthritis just needs to drink a cup of hot water mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Similar to this, a chronic cholesterol patient should 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon mixed in about 17 ounce of green tea. Within hours, the patient can see the results!

Catch cold? Not to worry. A common or severe colds can be treated with 1 tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This Process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.

In India, it is revealed that if Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas. It also clears the stomach aches and ulcers effectively.

There are many more quick tips on the goodness of honey and cinnamon, which I can't list here. One thing is for sure, a daily dosage of honey and cinnamon would make your life better. So, what are you waiting for? Get a bottle of honey today and start with your daily dosage of Honey and Cinnamon therapy.

I'm a chef who has 10 years of cooking different types of cuisine from all over the world. Come and visit my website for more healthy and delicious home cooked recipes. http://www.a1healthyrecipes.com

Use Cinnamon Essential Oil For Cholesterol And Digestive Problems

By Lee Dobbins

Cinnamon Essential Oil is distilled from both the bark and leaf of the cinnamon plant which comes from Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

The aroma of the cinnamon essential oil that has been distilled from the bark is similar to that of cassia (Chinese Cinnamon) and it is often combined with frankincense as well as other oriental woods. However, cinnamon essential oil can cause irritation to the skin and should be handled with care. This kind of essential oil is particularly good use in aromatherapy to warm and comfort the person being treated.

Whilst the aroma produced by the oil distilled from the cinnamon leaves is more reminiscent of the smell of cloves than cinnamon because of the large amount of eugenol in it. It is often best mixed with oriental fragrances and as previously mentioned it should be handled with care as it can cause irritation to the skin. Where the essential oil from the cinnamon bark is ideal for aromatherapy where a person wants to feel warm and comfortable that distilled from the leaf seems to refresh and vitalize a person.

The primary components of cinnamon are cinnamaldehyde, gum, tannin, mannitol, coumarins and the essential oils known as aldehydes, eugenol and pinene. As it is predominantly used as a carminative addition to herbal prescriptions.

Some recent studies have shown that if you consume as little as 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon each day you may be able to reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels by as much as 20%. For those patients who suffer from Type II Diabetes and who are not taking insulin it is mildly carminative as well as a great way of treating nausea and flatulence that these people suffer from. Whilst it can be used on its own or as a combination therapy to treat diarrhea.

Chinese Herbalists suggest that people who are in the 70's or 80's and develop a cough which involves the spitting of whitish phlegm from their throats of a frequent basis should chew and swallow a small pinch of powdered cinnamon. This remedy also seems to help those people who suffer from cold hands and feet (especially at night).

Not only is cinnamon great for helping with appetite loss and indigestion problems as well as dealing with flatulent dyspepsia, dyspepsia with nausea, intestinal colic as well as digestive atony which is associated with colds and other debilitating conditions. It can also help to relieve the effects of nausea and vomiting and because it is mildly astringent is particularly useful to use on infantile diarrhea.

Certainly the essential oil found is cinnamon is known to be a potent antibacterial, anti-fungal and uterine stimulant and there are certain terpenoids found in this oil which are believed to account for the medicinal effects cinnamon has.

Although test tube studies carried out show that cinnamon can augment the action of insulin no clinical trials have yet proved that cinnamon can improve the action of insulin in people who suffer from diabetes. There are more than 170 million around the world who suffer from diabetes and this number continues to rise. May be many of these could actually benefit from being able to take such an easily accessible product. There is evidence to show that this spice has the power to cut blood sugar levels nearly as much as statin drugs.

It is believed that a substance known as MHCP is the reason why cinnamon reignites the body's fat cells to respond to insulin and this dramatically increases the removal of glucose.

There have also been a couple of studies carried out which reveal new evidence that act as an anti-inflammatory agent, along with being an anti-oxidant agent and ones that can lower cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose as well as improve the functioning of insulin in the body.

In fact it can not be denied that the power of cinnamon can not be denied in helping some diabetics or pre-diabetics.

However, it is important that you talk to your doctor prior to taking cinnamon in case it has any effects on the medications you are already taking.

Essential oils by themselves are very powerful and cinnamon essential oil should never be taken internally unless under the supervision of a qualified professional.

Lee Dobbins writes for http://essentialoils.health-g8way.com where you can learn more about essential oils and their uses as well as more about cinnamon essential oil.

History Of The Strawberry And The Strawberry Tree

By Patrick Malcolm

It is difficult to trace the ancient history of the strawberry plant or strawberry tree, because there are so many different, complex, undefined species, and they have evolved in so many different places and countries.

Pliny described the strawberry tree, Arbutus in his early writings of the Roman culture in the first century, AD.

Strawberry trees, Cudrania tricuspidata, have been known since antiquity and have been so named because the berries growing on the trees resemble the familiar fruiting strawberry that grows on the ground. Some strawberry trees have a mideastern origin and others come from China. One strawberry tree of a substantial size was planted 200 years ago by early settlers at Sea Island, Georgia, and this tree reliably produces abundant crops every year. Strawberry trees are easy to grow and are thorny until the thick bark develops and sloughs off the thorns. The large fruiting strawberry tree increases in yield and fruit size each year, and the berries begin ripening in July and continue developing and growing into the fall. The mature strawberry tree, Che, can grow to 30 feet tall.

The strawberry tree transplants best when dormant, and large trees sometimes produce strawberries the first year. The exotic strawberry tree is sometimes called the Che tree from China.

Not only is the strawberry from these trees delicious, but it is also fragrant, attractive red in color, and as large as a half-dollar, with a flavor somewhere between a fig and a strawberry.

Another type of strawberry tree is Arbutus unedo that only grows half the size of the Che tree.

Pliny described the ground strawberry as a natural berry growing in Rome in the first century AD. Many Europeans were afraid to eat berries growing and touching the ground, fearing that they might be polluted by snakes, rats, and other wildlife animals.

The strawberry can be seen in religious paintings of the 1400’s. The strawberry fruit was pictured in paintings, because of its pure red color and graceful shape.

The strawberry plants were being cultivated in Europe during the 1300’s, but never in commercial quantities. Records in England show that King Henry the 8th purchased strawberries for eating in 1530.

The Virginia strawberry, Fragaria virginiana, a wild species was exported from the United States colony in the 1600’s to England, where it was favorable in taste, quality, size, and yields over the native European strawberry. After these two types of strawberry plants were planted in close proximity to each other, natural hybrids began to grow and substantial improvements were the foundation of the development of the modern day commercial strawberry industry.

William Bartram noted several discoveries of strawberries in his famous early botanical book, Travels, in 1773 stating: “gliding swiftly between the fruitful strawberry banks,” page 328, “ a gentle breeze continually wafted from the fragrant strawberry fields, and aromatic Calycanthean groves on the surrounding heights,” page 329. “The meadows presented for my acceptance, the fragrant red strawberry, in painted beds of many beds surface, indeed I may say, many hundreds,” page 342. Bartram states that he visited a company of Indian girls “having baskets of strawberries” and a very agreeable good woman treated us with cream and strawberries,” page 347.

Dr. George Darrow of Cornell University and the New York Agricultural Station worked with strawberry plants for half a century and was instrumental in developed higher yielding strawberry plants in larger fruited berries with a better flavored strawberry and resistant to diseases.

Strawberry plants are grown by many backyard gardeners, but commercial production comes from strawberry plantings in Florida fields in winter and from California fields in the fall. The commercial production and growing of strawberries has become very complicated, because of virus presence in some non-certified strawberry plants. To grow the strawberry at a home garden, a grower should begin with buying and planting certified strawberry plants. To obtain certification, a buyer of strawberry plants must purchase the plants that were grown from foundation plant stock grown for one year and freed from virus growth by growing in tissue culture for a period and applying virus indexing that is enforced by the Federal and State governments. Strawberry plants, Fragaria x ananassa, are grown commercially on sterilized soil using the fumigant, methyl bromide, or other chemical soil treatments.

Strawberry plants must be replaced after a few years, since the strawberry plant clones decline each year. These worn out plants can be replaced with new, certified strawberry plants. The mother plants can be planted when dormant, and the center (crown) will develop daughter plants that spread to form mounds by stolons or runners. Cultivated strawberries, Fragaria x ananassa, yield heavily if fertilized and irrigated frequently. The roots of strawberry plants grow very shallowly and should be planted to grow in full sun, so that the berries will be sweet and large-fruited. 75% of strawberries are sold fresh and 25% are sold frozen. Strawberries are perishable, but can be held at stores at 32 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 to 7 days.

Copyright 2006 Patrick Malcolm

Learn more about various trees by visiting the author's website: http://www.tytyga.com

The Benefits of Honey

By Dr. Daisy Sutherland

Did you know that honey had major health benefits? It's true!! It's not only good for sore throats, the health benefits are amazing and I will share those with you today.

Honey can help with wounds: raw, unprocessed honey contains a natural antibiotic that has been proven to be effective against infectious organisms. First step is to clean the wound, then apply a smooth thin layer of honey, followed by a bandage. Reapply the honey and change the bandage twice daily.

Sensitivities and Intolerances: to handle sensitivities such as allergies it is best to be sure to look for local honey. Look for honey that is made by bees in your locality. Eating it regularly will help desensitize you to pollens in your environment.

Coughs: colds, flu, allergies or irritation to the bronchial tubes are the primary causes of coughs. If your cough brings up mucus, it should not be suppressed because this is the way the body expels mucus and bacteria from the lungs. Dry coughs, are generally non-productive and only irritate the bronchi further. Use raw honey to make an herbal cough syrup. Honey thins the mucous secretions, and soothes a raw throat. try making this cough syrup for relief:

Cough Syrup

2 cups water

1 tbsp aniseed

1 tbsp dried licorice root

1 tbsp dried thyme

1 cup honey

Simmer the aniseed and licorice root in the water in a covered pot for 15 min. Remove from heat, add the thyme, cover and steep until room temperature. Strain and add the honey, warming the tea gently, if necessary, to dissolve the honey. This tea can be stored in a covered glass jar in the refrigerator, where it will keep for about 3 months. To relieve cough, take 1 teaspoon as often as needed.

Skin Care: honey can be used as a facial scrub or mask for all skin types. When mixed with yogurt it makes a wonderful scrub. The yogurt contains skin smoothing lactic acid, the honey is moisturizing and healing, finely ground almonds and oats add gentle exfoliating action and lavender essential oil is balancing for all skin types. You can also make a mask with honey and lavender essential oil. The honey is an excellent moisturizer that doesn't leave the skin feeling oily.

Acne and Blemished Skin: raw, unprocessed honey is excellent for oily, blemished sking because of it antibacterial properties. It also has the ability to moisterize the skin without making it oily. A honey mask combines cosmetic clay, raw-unprocessed honey and lavender essential oil. The cosmetic clay absorbs excess oil from the skin and draws toxins out of the skin. The lavender essential oil calms and soothes skin inflammation and helps heal blemishes.

Sunburns: spending an hour in the early morning or later afternoon sun is healthy for your body and spirit, but too much sun can cause serious skin damage. It is important to wear sunscreen and protective clothing between 10am and 4pm. If you do happen to get sunburned, preparing a honey mask will help. The honey will moisturize, and when add with aloe vera it will help cool and heal the burned skin. Also added to the mask is lavender essential oil which also helps heal the burns and helps the production of healthy skin cells.

Honey Mask:

2 tsp raw honey

2 tsp aloe vera gel

2 drops lavender essential oil

Mix the ingredients. Dampen your face with cool water; apply the mask to your skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.

Lip Care: your lips do not have oil glands, so it's very important to protect them from the sun, wind and cold weather. Almond oil and beeswax create a barrier against wind and cold. Honey helps the lips to retain moisture. Here's an easy lip balm to make:

4 tbsp almond oil

1 tbsp grated beeswax

1 tsp honey

Warm the almond oil and beeswax in a small pan over very low heat until the wax melts. Remove from the heat and add the honey and stir thoroughly. Pour into a small, wide-mouthed glass jar. Allow to cool, stirring occasionally to keep the mixture from separating. Store in a cool place, apply a small amount to lips as often as desired.

As you can tell raw honey has many health benefits. Try some today.

Dr. Mommy (aka Dr. Daisy) is a Doctor of Chiropractic by profession, wife, mom to 5 beautiful children, freelance and content writer, speaker and Health/Wellness Advocate. Her passion is to teach the public how to live healthier and happier lives. Visit her site for health tips: Dr. Mommy Health Tips http://drmommyhealthtips.com